fun english language learning materials


Fred and Rita are in the library. Fred is reading a science magazine.

Fred: How many bones do you think there are there in the human body?

Rita: Not looking up from her text book. Fred, I’m working.

Fred: Come on! Have a guess.

Rita: I don’t know. She thinks for a moment. Does the number of bones include ribs?

Fred: Consults his magazine. It doesn’t say. They’ve just put the number of bones for babies and adults.

Rita: You mean it’s a different number? library

Fred: Very different. So how many bones are there in a baby?

Rita: I have no idea. 50?

Fred: Try six times that.

Rita: 300? No! Wow!

Fred: And in an adult?

Rita: It has to be more. 350?

Fred: Wrong again. 206.

Rita You mean adults have fewer bones than children?

Fred: That’s what it says here. And what do you think is the strongest human bone?

Rita: Fred, I’ve got to work!

Fred: Last question. Go on, have another guess.


Rita: I suppose the spine is the most important.

Fred: Is that you’re answer?

: Yeah the spine. Or is it the hip?

Fred: Two answers and both wrong. It’s the thigh bone!

Rita: Really?

Fred: Yes, it’s stronger than concrete.

Rita: But -

Fred: Sorry, I haven’t got time to chat. I must get on with my work.

Exercise: Which Bone?
New Phone
Prize Draw

The Fred and Rita dialogues come with a glossary and activities. They first appeared in Ming Pao Daily in 2008.

Text: © 2009 Kieran McGovern
Illustrations: © 2009 George Hayford-Taylor