fun english language learning materials


Rita is looking for her lost diary. The phone rings - it's her cousin, Vera. Vera wants to go to the new James Bond film

Rita: I’d love to go. I don’t think I’m doing anything on Saturday night but -

Vera: Okay, it’s on at the Ocean Centre at 9.10. I’ll get the tickets. Listen, there’s someone at the door. I’ll speak to you later.

Rita: Vera, I need to check my diary -

But Vera has hung up. A moment later the phone rings again. It’s Jenny – another cousin.

Jenny: Hi Rita.

Rita: Hi Jenny. I’ve just come off the phone with Vera.

Jenny: I’m avoiding her at the moment.

Rita: Why?

Jenny: I can’t invite her to my party because her old boyfriend will be there.

Rita: It’s Saturday week, isn’t it?

Jenny: No, this Saturday. You’re coming aren’t you?

Rita realises she has double booked - but she can’t tell Jenny!

: Of course. I’m looking forward to it.

Jenny: Great. See you at nine on Saturday

The phone rings again. It’s Rita’s mother.

Rita: Mum, I've got a big problem.

Mother: What is it, Darling?

Rita: Explains about the double-booking. If I don’t go to the party, Jenny will be upset. If I don’t go to the cinema, Vera will be upset.

Mother: Don’t worry, Rita – Granny has solved your problem.

Rita: How?

Mother: She’s arranged a surprise party for Granddad's birthday on Saturday night.

Rita: Smiles to herself And I have to go?

Mother: Of course. Jenny and Vera, too.

Rita breathes a sigh of relief.

New Phone
Prize Draw

The Fred and Rita dialogues first appeared in Ming Pao Daily in 2008. Grammar, vocabulary and writing activities here.

Text: © 2009 Kieran McGovern
Illustrations: © 2009 George Hayford-Taylor