Wedding Words
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1. people at a church service 4. lovely to look at 6. man might wear this to a wedding or office 8. gambling city in USA 12. man getting married 14. attractive man e.g prince in fairy tale 16. people you know and like 17. ceremony where two people marry 20. Look for a long time at someone or something 21. He wears a wedding ---- 23. no talking or other noise 24. where people pray and get married
1. when you are happy or sad 2. people in your family 3. not young, former 5. bride walks down this 7. an official confirmation of something 9. works in a church 10. a marriage needs this 11. speak in very low voice 13. to end a marriage 15. legal contract between man and a woman 18. Every wedding includes the words 'I --'. 19. bride and bride------ 22. someone you are going to marry