English for Young Learners

Free English language teaching & learning materials

English for Young Learners: free Engish language learning resources for teachers & students


A- F
G - M
N - Z

Gas station - place where you can fill a car with gas (US) or petrol (UK)

Guaranteed - a promise or agreement to do something

Helium - gas used in balloons to make them rise

Hesitate - to stop because unable to make decision

Highway - motorway (UK) or major road connecting cities

Hire (US) - to pay for the use of something for a temporary period (e.g car)

Iguana - south American lizard

Impersonator - someone who pretends to be someone else.

Insurance/Insure - against possible loss or damage (e.g insure a house or car)

Interview - a meeting with someone to find out something about them.

Jerk - sudden movement.

Kitten - young cat

Legend - famous story that may or may not be true

Litter tray -
indoor toilet for cats

Lookout tower - a tall structure or building. At the top you can look out over a large area of land.

Luggage - bags, suitcases etc

Master - boss, person in charge

Mate - friend/partner/helper. First mate on ship is deputy to captain

Muscular dystrophy - a disease destroying the muscles.