Raining Cows

Before you read

Mr and Mrs Everson are driving back to their hotel at Lake Chelan, in the northwest of the USA. The road ahead is clear.

Suddenly a huge object drops from the sky. It crashes onto the bonnet of the Everson’s car.

‘What was that?’’ cries Mr. Everson.
‘It came from above us!’ says his wife. ‘It looks like a cow!’


Mrs Everson looks out through the passenger window. She sees the animal lying on the road behind them. Then she looks up

‘I think it fell from there!’ she says, pointing to a
cliff. It's at least 50 metres above the road.

Somehow Mr. Everson drives the car for another two kilometres until they came to a shop. Outside a newspaper board has the headline:



'This cow was bred for rodeo," a police spokesman later explains. "It was not a normal cow in a field.'

Mr. Everson, 49, says: 'I'm just glad to be alive. It's raining cows out here!'

Video News Report * Crossword * Cow in a Car? * Activities

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