Raining Cows: Activities

Raining Cows

Classroom activities

1. Role play what happens when Mr & Mrs Everson arrive at the shop with their smashed car.

Possible roles: Mr & Mrs Everson, the shop owner, news reporter, cow-owner

2. Five things I didn't know about: cows

Work in groups to find five new facts about cows. At least one must not be from the Internet - try books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.

Think about:

  1. What different foods come from a cow?
  2. In which religion is a cow sacred?
  3. How much do cows eat and drink?
  4. How many stomachs do cows have?
  5. Name five products that come from a cow. Draw a diagram to show how to produce this product.

A useful website is


1. Imagine you are Mr or Mrs Everson.

Either: Write a letter to the car-hire company explaining what happened to the car.

Or: Write a postcard to your brother/sister/bestfriend talking about what happened

3. You are the policeman arresting the cow; Write your report.

3. Write a letter from the hotel to the people who complained about the cows in the field.

4. You have $300,000 (US) and want to be a cattle farmer. Write a business plan containing the following a) where your farm will be b) how you will make money. You need to research prices of land, cattle feed etc.


  • This crossword includes some of the words you read in the story.

youtubeVideo News Report * Crossword * Activities