Raining Cows: TV News

Raining Cows

youtubeRaining Cows: News Report

The story of the Eversons and the cow is very strange - but it really happened!

Watch the news report & answer the questions below.

True or false?

  1. The accident happened on a single lane road.
  1. The Eversons were staying at Wapato Point.
  2. Cows often fall on cars in this area.
  1. The Eversons talked to the television reporter.
  2. Mr Everson didn't know it rained in this area.
  3. The Eversons were not injured.
  4. The policeman often saw cows falling from the sky.
  5. The name of the cow was Michelle.
  6. She came from a local farm.
  7. She escaped that day.
  8. Answers

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