Are there many different types of hedgehog?
There are over 16 species of hedgehog. They live in every part of the world except Antarctica.
Are hedgehogs nocturnal?
They sleep during the day and come out at night.
When do hedgehogs hibernate?
When they live in cold climates. In deserts they don't hibernate but sleep when it is hot. They stay active when it is neither too hot or too cold.
What do hedgehogs eat?
Insects - but they eat anything they find.
Are hedgehogs blind?
No, but they have poor eyesight.
Do hedgehogs have good hearing?
Yes and their smell is good, too. They use hearing and smell when they are hunting.
When do hedgehogs curl into a ball?
When they are in danger. They also sleep this way.
Which are the biggest hedgehogs?
Hedgehogs are not big. (The image above shows their size relative to a cup of tea). The biggest hedgehogs are around 20 cm and weigh around 600 grams.