fun english language learning materials
Vocabulary & Activities: Posted Phone

Grammar: Sequence

What happened to Fred's mobile phone?
Put this information in the correct sequence.

  1. Fred meets Rita
  2. Rita notices the letter in Fred's hand
  3. The phone rings in the box
  4. The postman arrives to collect the mail
  5. Fred is hurrying to college while talking on his phone
  6. Fred returns to the post box with Rita
  7. Fred catches the bus
  8. The postman hands the phone to Fred
  9. Fred posts the phone


1. You are the postman who retrieved the phone from the post-box. Write a report on what happened.

2. You are Rita. Write a text, email or postcard to a friend. Describe what happened to Fred's phone.


Matching Exercise

Classroom Activities

Fred's letter is a job application for a summer job working for the post office! Imagine the post office invites Fred for an interview.

Notes for interview panel

Notes for Fred

New Phone
Prize Draw

The Fred and Rita dialogues come with a glossary and activities. They first appeared in Ming Pao Daily in 2008.

Text: © 2009 Kieran McGovern
Illustrations: © 2009 George Hayford-Taylor